Make a Donation
Mental Health Research UK is always extremely grateful for all donations, whether large or small. Unlike many charities, at least 95% of all donations received will be used to fulfil our charitable aim – to fund research into mental health conditions.
Donate through CAF Donate
CAF Donate is the easiest method to make modest one-off donations or regular payments. A processing fee of up to 3.5% will be deducted from each donation.
Donate using Stripe
Stripe is another simple method for one-off donations. Please be aware that a processing fee of up to 2.5% will be deducted from each donation. Click on the 'Donate Now' button below to be re-directed to a secure payment checkout. We haven't set up GiftAid options for Stripe yet, so please do send us a Gift aid form if you make a donation using this method.
Donate directly
If you are able to donate directly into our bank account, then this will ensure we receive 100% of your donation, without the deduction of any processing fee. If you are able to make a Gift Aid declaration it can be posted or emailed to the Treasurer. We'd love you to get in touch and tell us about your donation if you feel comfortable doing so.